Monday, October 31, 2011

What do I think?

After all the research I have done for each blog post, and deciding if whether I believe them or not I have come up with a final point on choosing to believe that the Bloody Mary spooky story is not true. My choice to not believe that the myth is true comes from other stories I have read, the history behind it, and if there is any hard evidence reporting it is true. There was no evidence found, and I need evidence to believe that this story is true. I believe that people who have done it may or may not have experienced what they say they did. It could be people trying to spook other people out by telling false events that didn't happen. So I don't believe any of the "Bloody Mary” stories, but I still will never try the "Bloody Mary" bathroom exercise, just because I am not calling for any scary things to happen to me.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


After all my research, I did not find any evidence of "Bloody Mary" being true. This still might not prove that it is a hundred percent false or true, I guess it depends on what people think of different happenings if any. There are all different kinds of things that people say happen when they try the Bloody Mary activity, it can go from people reporting small things happening to some people saying they saw someone in the window to their bathroom or in the mirror of their bathroom. But, still there is no concrete evidence of the Bloody Mary myth being true. So either you ride on what people say happened when they tried it or try it yourself at your own risk.    


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Experiences With Bloody Mary

I have heared different things that occur when people do the "Bloody Mary." I have heared all different kind of experiences, such as people see the face of a women in the mirrors around them, they heard a voice, they hear people walking around in addicts. All these supposedly experiences can't really be proven definitely credible because, there are some people who will try to come up with something absolutely crazy to scare future "Bloody Mary" victims. There is one story that has all type of crazy scary things that say happened to them when they decided to do "Bloody Mary." One is a girl who was sleeping over with friends and they talked about ghost stories when she decided to do "Bloody Mary, " after they finished with saying the name a third time they nothing happened, but then when the parents left the house that's when all the scary stuff started happening. When they were about to fall asleep on the floor of the girls room they heared feet walking up and down the hallway, but they were the only ones home. Then, the hall light came on and the bathroom door busted open, and the walking in the hallway become more like a full force run and then the shower came on. Then her friend went to turn off the lights and water and then it finally got calm. But, it wasn't over yet, they heard drumming fingers on the door to the room, when she got up and flung the door open `there was no one there, then finally the girls got tired and very scared and prayed for it to end, and it did and from then on they have never experienced any more urben stories (

Another story that I came upon was pretty much the same like the one above but this story started out with just lying about hearing and seeing things until they actually got into a restroom and turned on a fake candle,  (because her parents wouldn't let her light a real one) the girls were trying to find something that would freak them out the most so they tried the "Bloody Mary" well they said "Bloody Mary" three times they also spun in a circle three times at the exact same time. When one of the girl got dizzy after the spinning she asked her friend who did it with her if she saw anything and the friend said "No," but then when they turned around the saw a reflection on the mirror of the back yard from the window behind them and there was a girl with both hand plastered one the window with her mouth open like she was screaming. When they saw that they both turned on the light to the bathroom and ran out screaming, and went to her parents room waking them up and making her dad check to see if that girl in the window was out there, and there was no one- there was nothing(

These stories both freak me out but, I still know that I will never encounter these scary moments. Knock on wood.

Rubloodymary."" Blog 24 September 2007. Web. 26 October 2001
"" Your Ghost Stories. 9 July 2007. Web. 26 October 2011.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The History Behind Bloody Mary

After some research, I have seen that the most stories of the bloody Mary myth finds its way to Queen Mary I. Writer David Loades has said in his writings, that Queen Mary can be remembered to some people as, "Bloody Mary" because of what acts happened well she was Queen and also Queen Mary's history that can add to why she was a harsh women. The writings state that the main point for why Queen Mary so called "Bloody Mary," was because when she was Queen there were around 290 Protestants executed, but also she wasn't the "bloodiest" of them all. Her father King Henry VIII is said to have executed 70,000 people in his reign. What does not make sense is that religious persecution was considered social and political control in the sixteenth century, so why is it that if Henry VIII killed over 200 times the amount of Queen Mary I why does she get a bad name for it? She got the name as "Bloody Mary" for doing something that is wrong now but then she was doing nothing different or worse than that of her own father. The whole story of the "Bloody Mary myth" at least the original seems that it all started after a Queen of England, who was just doing her job and how people judged her for it.

Photo courtesy of:

Loades, David. "Why Queen Mary was `bloody.'." Christian History 14.4 (1995): 16. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Why Bloody Mary?

 Just hearing the words "Bloody Mary" is kind of spooky. The words make you wonder did this Mary person bleed to death? or what? The are different stories behind the urban legend, one is Bloody Mary is about Queen Mary I, and another is about a evil witch, which ever story is the true one it doesn't really matter because they both still spook me out. Even though I don't like scary stories the Bloody Mary stories would always come up at slumber parties, the other girls would volunteer either them selves or someone else to go into a bathroom with each other and lock the door, turn off the lights, and recite the words "Bloody Mary" three times, and wait to see if the real Bloody Mary would show herself in the mirror. I have never done this act because of fear that she would show herself and my house and I would be forever haunted. Now that Halloween is around the corner I have decided to research The Bloody Mary urban legend to see how long this story has been around and the different stories that are said of it.